This is an alternate approach to BIP-03. This new proposal is a smaller cull of fragments and removes the protection of the last 3 weeks so as to not overly bias recent fragments. The effective difference in the cull is an 80% cut across all rounds rather 95% of rounds older than 3 weeks.
Edit 1: tweaking the cull to leave a nice round number of 1750 fragments is a factor of the weekly 350 added each week (5 x 350). This makes the initial cull about 77.2%, and the ongoing cull an even 20%.
Edit 2: reversing back to 80% cull as the edit 1 did not seem to improve consensus.
There is wide consensus to cull the fragment pool but some strong opposition to BIP-03's 95% cut of fragments older than 3 weeks. The opposition may be big enough to block BIP-03 from passing. Discussion in the Discord showed that changing it to 80% and removing the 3 week protection will very likely convince the opposition to approve, without causing any more to object.
- it is easier to cull more later, once fragments are removed they cannot be added back in.
- the 3 week protection is redundant with the true score formula and effectively biases the cull heavily towards removing legacy fragments
- the reduction in the true score threshold* helps ensure pieces are sorted more quickly and removed from view, while still giving new pieces a degree of protection
*Note: The maximum True Score score of 100 is assigned to any fragment that has not reached the minimum required threshold of views. The explanation of the True Score, its calculation and its use can be found here:
Proposal Specification
The Initial Cull:
- At the end of Round 22, remove all fragments from the pool that have a True Score in the bottom 80%.
- New Fragment Pool Size = .2(349 x 22) = 1,535 Fragments [BIP-03 was 1,361]
Ongoing Cull:
- At the end of each voting period, remove the 349 fragments with the lowest True Score from the voting pool. No 3-week protection. With the weekly mint removing another fragment from the pool, this will keep the voting pool size steady at 1,535 fragments.
- To better enable this strategy this will also entail reducing the required views to determine True Score from 100 to 50 [Same as in BIP-03]
Metrics of Success
Improved voting engagement
User reports of improved voting experience
(other stats to be discussed so that the next decision point can be clear)
- doesn't remove potentially favorable fragments that have been buried, and it is easier to cull more later, whereas once fragments are removed it is difficult to add back
- maintains a large majority reduction in the pool size and holds it steady
- may not be enough to achieve the desired impact and may need to cull more later