- Edited
0.0 Summary
This BIP adapts an earlier proposal, [BIP-40] (https://forum.botto.com/d/63-bip-40-botto-x-outliers-transient-labs-x-proof-updated), for an experimental work with a physical display to do a test piece that would be featured and sold with MakersPlace and Transient Labs in an IRL exhibition during Miami Art Week.
Miami Art Week (Basel) w/ Makers Place & Transient Labs
When: Dec 4-10, Deadline is Dec 4
This BIP proposes an experimental work with a physical component for a group show put on by Makers Place at the Sagamore Hotel during Miami Art Week coinciding with Art Basel Miami. Makers Place is taking over the Sagamore Hotel's lobby to feature a group show of 1/1 digital artworks paired with a physical piece using Transient Labs's TRACE Chip, and has invited Botto to participate. Given the timing with Miami Art Week, the participants of the show, and the theme of physical works, this seemed like the right venue to make a version of an earlier proposal BIP-40.
The concept is to feature in a single token the latest top-ranked discard (by VP) every week during Period 6. The contract, an ERC-7160, and display with the TRACE Chip, over the 12 weeks will become an archive and artefact of those that never made it. The display would always be featuring the current week’s top-ranked discard through a forced metadata update during Period 6, which speaks more directly to Botto's process and its rotation would be a marker of time passing in that process. The artwork is like a weekly obituary for the works that were passed on, but were still part of Botto’s creative process and art.
1.0 Background
Each of Botto’s 1/1 mints can be seen as tokens of the development of both Botto and BottoDAO collectively over time. However, these works are most appreciated for their particular aesthetic, and their presentations do not emphasize the time component nor the many runners-up and discards along the way that are invisible. With Ryan Koopmans we began to explore the themes of cycle and decay in Botto’s process and considered how we might feature “dead” fragments in a dynamic way. In BIP-40, we proposed a kind of “clock” marking the rounds with the top discard each week. There was a lot of debate about the length of the work lasting 52 weeks, the gas cost of updating the work, and the edition size and pricing of the work. There were also unknowns about the display featuring the work.
This new proposal takes the most conservative approach to treat it as an experiment.
1/1 digital artwork and physical display
12 weeks covering the 6th period
5ETH starting bid price for this unique work
Even if we decide to create more like this, this will be the first one ever made and the only one for the 6th Period.
1.1 ERC-7160
ERC-7160 is an extension of the ERC-721 standard that allows for posting multiple metadata URIs (files) to a token, along with the ability to select which one is displayed. Importantly, ERC-7160 allows for new metadata to be added AND pinned as the displayed file in a single tx. An earlier proposal of this project worked with a customized version of the Doppelganger contract, which would have been more gas intensive because of multiple transactions to force a metadata update.
The effect is that the token would symbolize a self-updating obituary. Each week, the top-ranked Discard is sent to the contract with a forced metadata update such that the token features it. The next week, a new Discard is pushed, with the former one remaining accessible in the smart contract as a record of the archive of top-ranked discards. By sending to the ERC-7160 contract, no single fragment is getting listed, rather the contract functions as an archive of those that almost made it but got left on the cutting room floor.
At the end of the Period, the collector would be left with an artefact of Botto’s process during the Period and would be free to swap between the Discards. If successful, this concept could also be updated and re-released for the following Period or an even longer timeline.
1.2 Alternative to Top-Ranked Discard
Reviewing different definitions of “top discards”, going by VP appears to yield much stronger fragments than going by raw score. See the following for reference:
Top Discard by VP
Rd 80 - https://www.botto.com/gallery/rebellion/momentary-utopias
Rd 81 - https://www.botto.com/gallery/rebellion/ageless-urban-memorabilia
Rd 82 https://www.botto.com/gallery/rebellion/multi-connected-feminine-darkly
Rd 83 - https://www.botto.com/gallery/rebellion/feathers-unbound-together
Rd 84 - https://www.botto.com/gallery/rebellion/operating-in-warning
Top Discard by Raw Score
Rd 80 - https://www.botto.com/gallery/rebellion/beyond-wired-machines
Rd 81 - https://www.botto.com/gallery/rebellion/exploring-the-cosmos
Rd 82 - https://www.botto.com/gallery/rebellion/detour-to-destiny
Rd 84 - https://www.botto.com/gallery/rebellion/the-darkly-established-order
It should also be noted the top discard could be minted at a later date if it was voted back from the discards for some special collection, but this scenario is unlikely. We could also elect to prevent the discard from ever being minted in the future, a sacrifice for the obituary page.
1.3 Physical Display
The concept emphasizes the physical display that is showing the most popular discard of each round. Each week the image changes, controlled by Botto’s process and not the owner. This dynamic updating forces the attention more directly to Botto’s ongoing process than a typical mint does.
While conceptually simple, a physical instantiation that directly speaks to Botto’s process can be a powerful way of sharing the experience of Botto, and can be popular with Botto enthusiasts who are drawn to the project for the overall concept and not just the aesthetic outputs. A physical display can also have the effect of a wall clock: a weekly reminder to stay active in Botto as some weeks may feature “one that got away”, or just something the viewer much more strongly prefers over the mint/leaderboard. Finally, one other consideration is growing interest in dynamic NFTs and improvements in digital displays in the near future. This would make an early, and collectible, entry into that space for Botto.
We propose using the square 22” square frame with black border from Muse Frames. We selected this frame primarily due to its automated metadata updates. Also the square frame is most neutral for Botto’s varying aspect ratios.
The price of the frame is $1,625 USD, which would be covered before considering the split. Transient Labs would handle the installation of the TRACE Chip on the frame.
1.4 TRACE Chip
The TRACE Chip functions as a certificate of authenticity for the display being connected to the ERC-7160, providing an additional way to tie the provenance of the specific frame to the artwork. There are four important aspects to the TRACE Chip. The Chip, The Token, Records, and Registered Agents.
The TRACE Chip has its own private key with an ethereum address that can sign messages. The associated Token (an ERC-721TL) is minted by the creator wallet and permanently owned by the physical TRACE Chip and so is always linked with the physical work.
The Chips can verify Records on the Token, which are provenance information about the history of the work and the physical piece permanently stored on the blockchain. Records can be added by the creator and by Registered Agents.
While Creators can always update the Records from anywhere, Registered Agents can only update by having physical access to the Chip to interact via NFC technology. Registered Agents are those who are handling the physical artwork and may have good reason to update the Records. Permissions may be revoked at any time.
The ERC-7160 and ERC-721 would reference each other in their metadata. However, the display does not have the same lifespan as the digital work. This forces the physical work to be cared for, an archaic custodianship of an ancient record of obituaries. There is an option to daisy-chain to a new display and TRACE Chip if the display needed replacing down the road, where the original TRACE Chip’s record would be updated with the serial number and contract address of the new display and its associated TRACE Chip.
1.5 Exhibition + Drop
The physical display will be featured in the Transient Labs x MakersPlace exhibition at the Sagamore Hotel during Miami Art Week, and the ERC-7160 will be simultaneously featured on the Makers Place landing page. Other artists include Whisbe, Andrea Crespi, Jack Kaido, and Gina Choy. The physical exhibition will be hung along the main corridor of the hotel leading from the communal lobby space all the way to the back of the building where the pool is located. Many events are taking place in the back of the hotel facing the beach, thus visitor traffic along this corridor will be substantial all week.
Hotel Programming
- 12/4, Monday, MakersPlace x Transient exhibition set up day
- 12/5, Tuesday, MakersPlace x IV Gallery Whisbe reception
- 12/7, Thursday, Bitcoin Ordinals programming and party
- 12/8, Friday, Transient Labs x MakersPlace symposium
- 12/8, Friday, MakersPlace x Transient VIP collector reception
- 12/9, Saturday, MakersPlace x Transient exhibition weekend hours
- 12/10, Sunday, MakersPlace x Transient exhibition weekend hours
The sales will take place on MP (so credit cards/usd + eth are available for payment). Marketing and sales efforts will be collaborative and coordinated between both TL and MP.
- The artwork commissions would be split 60% to the creator, 40% to the marketplaces (split between MakersPlace and Transient Labs), net the cost of the Display.
- MP and TL will cover the installation, exhibition staffing, and event costs.
- The artist would be responsible for shipping to and from Miami (unless a sale takes place in person, during which the client could take the physical with them), and insurance to/from/during the exhibition.
- The artworks will need to be minted on the Transient contract, but MP and TL will cover the cost of their new trace chip to be purchased and installed in the physical artworks. No additional fee would have to be absorbed by the artist for that aspect of the project.
- The 1/1 will be placed at auction with a minimum opening bid of 5ETH.
The display will not have an artwork on it until after the sale completes, so the display would initially feature Botto’s logo and the name of the collection “[Theme] Period Obits”, where [Theme] will be the theme of the 6th Period.
2.0 Proposal Details
- Mint an ERC-7160 named "Botto: [Theme] Period Obits" with an initial image featuring Logo and name
- Purchase and send display to Miami with insurance
- TL to install TRACE Chip. Botto.eth mints ERC-721TL minted for Records and sends to the TRACE Chip
- Display is featured at Sagamore Dec 4-10, with auction open on MakersPlace landing page for the same duration. MakersPlace will have exclusivity through end of December. If it does not sell by then, we will re-evaluate.
- Buyer receives both the ERC-7160 and the physical display with TRACE Chip
- BottoDAO will take Discard at set weekly interval of Tuesdays at 1600 EST, uploading artwork onto Arweave
- Server makes an API call to get all the data from Botto, then uses that data to update the contract and force a metadata refresh via backend service. (Depending on launch this may start off as a manual process to ensure proper testing of automated process).
- The art work creation will run for 12 weeks of Period 6.
3.0 Budget
Cost of Display - $1,625 USD
Shipping + Insurance - TBD
3.1 Revenue & Split
- Minimum 5ETH
- Split is 5ETH - minus cost of display, 60/40 Botto and MP+TL
- Secondary: 100% Botto
4.0 Timeline [Tentative based on discussion]
BIP discussion Nov 10-13
Proposal Nov 13-15
Show and Sale Dec 4-10
5.0 Benefits
- An experimental drop that creates a new artefact of Botto’s process with a physical component
- Participation in Miami Art Week during Art Basel Miami
5.0 Risks
- Aesthetically unpleasing pieces are discarded and end up on the display and considered representative of Botto’s quality