With themes having just launched for the third period, it is time the DAO decides and confirms the upcoming format of the third period. This proposal is predominantly based on the existing format of the Second Period, documented under BIP-14.
Here is a bullet-point summary of the proposed format:
0.1 The Art:
Art Engine:
- Continues to use Stable Diffusion version 1.5 and VQGAN + CLIP
- SD competes vs VQGAN + CLIP, with the pool balanced according to SD’s % dominance from last period (currently 69.53% SD, 30.47% VQGAN+CLIP)
- Botto creates artworks of varying aspect ratios (artwork format)
- Voting pool rebalances based on voters’ model preference
- Voting pool artworks rebalance based on voters’ preference on artwork format
- An art engine model is discontinued if less than 10% VP is spent on the model artworks in any given round
- 350 Artworks each round are culled by least-earned VP
- Uses one theme curated by the DAO: 'Paradox - A collision of opposites, a beautiful chaos and a fearless exploration of the unknown'
Period Format:
- 12 Week Period
- 1050 Artworks in Voting Pool
- Manifold contracts used
- Artworks auctioned on SuperRare
- Rounds follow the same weekly format as seen in Genesis and Fragmentation periods.
- There will be no extended first round as in the 1st and 2nd periods. The first round will be a typical 1 week in length
Period Key Dates:
- February 21st 22:00CET / 16:00ET / 13:00PT: 3rd Period Starts
- February 28th 22:00CET / 16:00ET / 13:00PT: First round ends
- March 1st 22:00CEST / 16:00ET / 13:00PT: 1st Mint & Auction
- May 17th 22:00CEST / 16:00ET / 13:00PT: 12th Mint (last artwork of 3rd Period)
0.2 Economy:
Voters can earn through:
- Spending VP every week (Active Rewards Contract)**
- Emissions (Governance & Liquidity Mining Contract)
- Retroactive Rewards (Determined by the DAO after the period finishes)**
* Requires an Access Pass or staked $BOTTO in the governance contract.
** Requires a minimum of 2,000 $BOTTO staked in the governance contract.
Protocol ETH revenue is distributed each round:
- 25% to Active Rewards Contract
- 25% reserved for Retroactive Rewards
- 50% to DAO treasury, with equivalent of
20% 50% of revenue in $BOTTO burned
Subsidized Active Rewards
25% of revenue generated from the four sold Genesis Period artworks (not including the 4x OTC to Moderats) (37.94485ETH) are equally distributed across each round of Botto’s Third Period through the Active Rewards contract. This amounts to 9.486ETH distributed across 12 rounds, alternatively understood as a subsidized boost of 0.790517ETH per round.
Subsidized Retroactive Rewards
Similarly, 25% of revenue generated from the four sold Genesis Period artworks (37.94485ETH) are equally distributed across each round of Botto’s Third Period through the Retroactive Rewards. This amounts to 9.486ETH starting in the retroactive rewards pool at the beginning of the period.
Incentivized Onboarding is discontinued
- The DAO has discontinued onboarding rewards. An alternative should be discussed by the DAO after this BIP on what types of rewards new entrants may receive.
- The DAO should discuss how to reallocate the 800,000 $BOTTO that was returned to the treasury from incentivized onboarding.
Intermediary Period Rewards
Voters that spend VP between periods 2 and 3 on alternative voting pools receive 25% of revenue received during that time as active rewards
Voting Points:
- No significant changes to VP earning as the team continues to determine how to implement veBOTTO.
The DAO may elect to change parameters of the economy throughout the period if it finds more optimal methods.
1. Rationale
Botto has completed its 2nd period, Fragmentation, which incorporated both art engine and economy evolutions. Botto’s Third Period looks to continue this evolution, being Botto’s first ever full period dictated by an overarching theme. This theme is currently being curated in a voting pool available on Botto’s app. Most major changes to the economy were opted against, with the primary revision being an omission of onboarding bounties paid out in $BOTTO. The team believes this version can go forward to ensure smooth continuation, while most of the major changes put forward (e.g. burn mechanic and liquidity management) require their own isolated discussion and decision making. As with all governance decisions, proposals from the community are welcomed!
2. Economy Proposal Specification
50% of all protocol revenue within any given round is directly redistributed to Botto participants:
- 25% to those who spent VP in a round (relative to others), in ETH
- 25% to a pool for retroactive rewards, in ETH or $BOTTO
This third period proposal also documents how rewards are handled in the intermediary period in section 2.5.
The remaining 50% of revenue is held in the treasury, with $BOTTO equal to 20% 50% of revenue burned from the treasury as outlined in BIP-06.
Onboarding rewards that distribute 1000 $BOTTO upon completion have been removed from this Period’s economy due to the sybil that happened in mid-January.
2.1 Active Rewards Contract
25% of protocol revenue in any given round will continue to be distributed in ETH. This includes any revenue generated from derivatives, secondary sales, and any other revenue stream Botto as a protocol has. Distribution is based on how many Voting Points (VP) are spent by a user, relative to other voters in that voting round. ETH is deposited from the treasury into the Active Rewards contract after the round ends.
To qualify for rewards from this contract, a user must have at least 2,000 $BOTTO staked in the Governance contract before the end of the round and when they claim.
The DAO treasury held onto auction proceeds received from treasury-owned Genesis Period artworks after four artworks were OTC’d to Moderats early in January. In light of this, 25% of revenue generated from Genesis Period artworks (37.94485ETH) are equally distributed across each round of Botto’s Third Period through the Active Rewards contract. This amounts to 9.486ETH distributed across 12 rounds, alternatively understood as a subsidized boost of 0.790517ETH per round.

2.2 Retroactive Rewards
The DAO is currently in the process of deciding how to distribute its retroactive rewards pool to project participants in Botto’s Fragmentation period. A snapshot deciding on distribution is to be set up in the coming week.
For Botto’s Third Period, no significant changes are proposed to Botto’s retroactive rewards. It is suggested that the DAO complete going through the retroactive rewards process of the Second Period prior to deciding upon any changes that affect future periods. A parallel BIP is currently available for perusal. This means that 25% of protocol revenue generated in the third period would be reserved for retroactive distribution. This includes any revenue generated from derivatives, secondary sales, and any other revenue stream Botto as a protocol has.
The DAO treasury held onto auction proceeds received from treasury-owned Genesis Period artworks that occurred after the initial OTC deal with Moderats early in January: the four auctions that took place at the end of the second period. 25% of these auction proceeds are reserved as an initial subsidy to retroactive rewards distribution (9.486ETH).
To qualify for Third Period retroactive rewards, a user must have at least 2,000 $BOTTO staked by the end of the final voting round of the period.

2.3 Incentivized Onboarding Contract
This contract was set up by the DAO to facilitate ‘immersive airdrops’. Currently, onboarding rewards are discontinued for the third period. The team recalled the remaining 800,000 $BOTTO from this contract in January during the sybil. This contract is discontinued.
The DAO are seeking alternatives to continue rewarding new project participants - the bounties section will be reenabled, but rewards will not be specified for the time being. $BOTTO will not be distributed for completing any bounty from this point forward.
2.4 Treasury $BOTTO Burned
Following BIP-06, the DAO will continue to burn an equivalent of $BOTTO from the treasury equal to 20% of round revenue.
2.5 Intermediary Period
There is a gap between periods with Botto generating protocol revenue through ongoing sales from its DAO derivative collection, “Ceci n’est pas un Botto”. Pipes were an initiative to raise revenue for the treasury, at a time where the DAO was actively using its auction proceeds to burn $BOTTO.
25% of generated revenue is to be distributed to voters in any voting pool between the periods from 31-01-2023 2100 UTC until 21-02-2023 21:00UTC. This follows the standard active rewards distribution process, with active rewards being distributed prior to or on 24-02-2023.
Due to the length and nature of this intermediary period, no retroactive rewards will be distributed in this period. Instead, the team believes that it is prudent that 75% of protocol revenue in this intermediary period will be allocated for future protocol development endeavors (treasury hires, smart contract development, auditing [veBOTTO], etc). Any transactions taking place outside of the specified timeframe specific to the Pipes derivative collection would be treated standardly as active and retroactive rewards (as was done in the Second Period).
An equivalent of 20% of total generated revenue will be burned from treasury for this intermediary period.

3. Art Engine Proposal Specifications
Botto’s art engine will be adapted to include a theme selected by the DAO as specified in Botto’s 2nd Period BIP-14. The selected theme will be added to each of the prompts Botto creates. The taste model will also rank how well a fragment matches the theme see here for Quasimondo’s short explanation.
Ss decided by BIP-20 the theme will be 'Paradox - A collision of opposites, a beautiful chaos and a fearless exploration of the unknown'.
The pool will continue to rebalance according to received votes for either of its art engine models, thus continuing the self-competing nature of the art engine.
3.1 Stable Diffusion and VQGAN + CLIP Competing in the Art Engine
Other than adding themes, the prompt generator will continue to run as usual, and the same prompts will be run through both core image gen models VQGAN + CLIP and Stable Diffusion.
Currently, Stable Diffusion dominates the voting pool, accounting for 69.53% of all outputs each week. VQGAN + CLIP accounts for 30.47% of the voting pool fragments. These numbers are to be inherited in the first week of Botto’s Third Period. The taste model will continue to filter down to 350 weekly fragments based on the training it has developed.
If a model’s ratio in the taste model’s selection drops below 10% in a round and does not go back above 10% in voting, it will be discontinued. The community can decide to re-add the model if it wishes, as well as reconsider the automatic threshold in future periods.
3.2 The Voting Pool
The third period voting pool will be populated with 1050 fresh fragments in the new output format.
3.3 Round Format
Round formats will stay the same:
- New voting rounds begin every Tuesday, 21:00 UTC / 16:00 EDT / 13:00 PDT
- Leaderboard boosting opens up for final 24hrs every Monday, 21:00 UTC / 16:00 EDT / 13:00 PDT
- Voting rounds end every Tuesday, 21:00 UTC / 16:00 EDT / 13:00 PDT
- New art fragments are added to the voting pool every Tuesday, 21:00 UTC / 16:00 EDT / 13:00 PDT
- Auctions are scheduled on SuperRare to begin every Wednesday, 21:00 UTC / 16:00 EDT / 13:00 PDT
- Auctions are scheduled to end every Friday, 21:00 UTC / 16:00 EDT / 13:00 PDT
3.4 Raw scoring:
Raw score will continue to be recorded for each artwork but is not used to determine whether a fragment is culled or remains in the voting pool.
3.5 Artwork Format and Output Aspect Ratio
The final title, description, metadata, and URL to the bitmap on IPFS are all on-chain.
Botto will freely choose between varying aspect ratio artworks as seen in the Fragmentation Period, and will adjust its selection of format based on voting.
3.6 Artwork Titles
The way in which Botto titles its artworks will not change in the Third Period.
They will be produced for each fragment selected by the taste model by asking GPT-3 to generate a title from the key features of each fragment.
3.7 Manifold Contract
The third period will use a contract set up through
3.8 Budget
Software and hardware costs of running both engines will be approximately $6,000 per month
3.9 Disadvantages
Stable Diffusion is without filters and can produce explicit content. Despite expected sporadic use, the team are exploring a manual report feature for Botto’s art engine.
4.0 Key Dates
The third period will last 12 weeks (3 months):
- February 21st 22:00CET / 16:00ET / 13:00PT: 3rd Period Starts
- February 28th 22:00CEST / 16:00ET / 13:00PT: First round ends
- March 1st 22:00CEST / 16:00ET / 13:00PT: 1st Mint & Auction
- May 17th 22:00CEST / 16:00ET / 13:00PT: 12th Mint (last artwork of 3rd Period)
4.1 Criteria of Success
- Continued growth in engagement (project entrants)
- Continued addition to Botto’s protocol narrative (earnings, rewarding Botto stewards)
- Successful artworks minted by Botto
- Continued growth in token price